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Synthesis Of Non Scalar Type Conversion

WiP.SynthesisOfNonScalarTypeConversion History

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2010-04-07 16:10 by benjk -
Changed line 18 from:
should be synthesised by the compiler in the event that no direct conversion path exists from type @@T1@@ to type @@T2@@ as long as @@V@@ and @@W@@ have the same number of components.
should be synthesised by the compiler in the event that no direct conversion path exists from type @@T1@@ to type @@T2@@, as long as @@V@@ and @@W@@ have the same number of components.
2010-04-07 16:09 by benjk -
Changed line 3 from:
The objective of the facility described here is to facilitate synthesis of type conversion between non-scalar types even if no direct conversion path exists between their component types.
The objective of the facility described here is to facilitate synthesis of type conversion between non-scalar types even if no direct conversion path exists between them or their component types.
2010-04-07 16:08 by benjk -
Changed lines 56-57 from:
       V.toASCII( %ACCESSOR%(index, v), FALSE, significand, exponent );
        %MUTATOR%(index, w, W.fromASCII( TRUE, significand, exponent ));
       V.toASCII( %ACCESSOR%(index, v), %decOrHexT1%, significand, exponent );
        %MUTATOR%(index, w, W.fromASCII( %decOrHexT2%, significand, exponent ));
Changed line 61 from:
where [@%MAX_LITERAL_LENGTH%@] is a compiler constant designating the maximum length allowed for literals, [@%ACCESSOR%@] is the accessor function and [@%MUTATOR%@] is the mutator procedure.
where [@%MAX_LITERAL_LENGTH%@] is a compiler constant designating the maximum length allowed for literals, [@%decOrHexT1%@] and [@%decOrHexT2%@] are boolean values indicating the radix system of a type's internal representation, [@%ACCESSOR%@] is the accessor function and [@%MUTATOR%@] is the mutator procedure.
2010-04-07 16:04 by benjk -
Changed line 63 from:
NB: For the compiler to save stack space for the intermediate strings significand and exponent a means to obtain the exact required number of digits for a scalar type could be introduced. This is an optimisation issue and it has no impact on the semantics of the synthesis.
NB: For the compiler to save stack space for the intermediate strings @@significand@@ and @@exponent@@ a means to obtain the exact required number of digits for a scalar type could be introduced. This is an optimisation issue and it has no impact on the semantics of the synthesis.
2010-04-07 16:04 by benjk -
Changed line 22 from:
The key to synthesising such a conversion is to decompose @@v@@ into its components, serialise the components using conversion primitive [@toASCII@] of type @@T1@@, then deserialise the components using conversion primitive [@fromASCII@] of type @@T1@@ and finally compose @@w@@ from the so converted components.
The key to synthesising such a conversion is to decompose @@v@@ into its components, serialise the components using conversion primitive [@toASCII@] of type @@T1@@, then deserialise the components using conversion primitive [@fromASCII@] of type @@T2@@ and finally compose @@w@@ from the so converted components.
2010-04-07 16:03 by benjk -
Changed lines 50-52 from:
    index : CARDINAL;
   index : CARDINAL;
2010-04-07 16:03 by benjk -
Changed lines 44-45 from:
VAR v : V; w : W;
[@VAR v : V; w : W;
Changed lines 49-54 from:
VAR v : V; w : W;
        index : CARDINAL;
[@VAR v : V; w : W;
    index : CARDINAL;
Changed lines 59-60 from:
END; (* IF *)
END; (* IF *)@]
2010-04-07 16:00 by benjk -
Changed line 22 from:
The key to synthesising such a conversion is to decompose @@v@@ into its components, serialise the components using @@v@@'s component type @@T1@@'s @@`toASCII@@ conversion primitive, then deserialise the components using @@w@@'s component type @@T2@@'s @@`fromASCII@@ conversion primitive and finally compose @@w@@ from the so converted components.
The key to synthesising such a conversion is to decompose @@v@@ into its components, serialise the components using conversion primitive [@toASCII@] of type @@T1@@, then deserialise the components using conversion primitive [@fromASCII@] of type @@T1@@ and finally compose @@w@@ from the so converted components.
2010-04-07 15:57 by benjk -
Changed line 5 from:
Given variables @@v@@ of vector type @@V@@ with component type @@T1@@ and @@w@@ of vector type @@W@@ with component type @@T2@@ ...
Given @@v@@ of vector type @@V@@ with component type @@T1@@ and @@w@@ of vector type @@W@@ with component type @@T2@@ ...
2010-04-07 15:56 by benjk -
Added lines 1-66:

The objective of the facility described here is to facilitate synthesis of type conversion between non-scalar types even if no direct conversion path exists between their component types.

Given variables @@v@@ of vector type @@V@@ with component type @@T1@@ and @@w@@ of vector type @@W@@ with component type @@T2@@ ...

    V = OPAQUE RECORD ("V-Type") v1, v2, v3 : T1 END;
    W = OPAQUE RECORD ("V-Type") v1, v2, v3 : T2 END;

    v : V; w : W;@]

the conversion from @@v@@ to @@w@@ ...

[@w := v :: W;@]

should be synthesised by the compiler in the event that no direct conversion path exists from type @@T1@@ to type @@T2@@ as long as @@V@@ and @@W@@ have the same number of components.


The key to synthesising such a conversion is to decompose @@v@@ into its components, serialise the components using @@v@@'s component type @@T1@@'s @@`toASCII@@ conversion primitive, then deserialise the components using @@w@@'s component type @@T2@@'s @@`fromASCII@@ conversion primitive and finally compose @@w@@ from the so converted components.

To facilitate this, the non-scalar types must provide
* a function to return the number of components or highest index
* an accessor function to return the n-th component of a vector
* a mutator procedure to overwrite the n-th component of a vector

The component type can be deduced form the return type of the accessor function.

This could be done using the following bindings:

PROCEDURE [HIGH] highestComponentIndex ( v : VECTOR ) : CARDINAL;
PROCEDURE [.] componentN ( n : CARDINAL; v : VECTOR ) : ComponentType;
PROCEDURE [!] setComponentN ( n : CARDINAL; VAR v : VECTOR; c : ComponentType );

An example is given in [[WiP/TypeSampleVector]]

The generalised synthesis algorithm is:

VAR v : V; w : W;
w := v :: W;@]

synthesises to =>

VAR v : V; w : W;
        index : CARDINAL;
        exponent : ARRAY %MAX_LITERAL_LENGTH% OF CHAR;

    FOR index := 0 TO HIGH(v) DO
        V.toASCII( %ACCESSOR%(index, v), FALSE, significand, exponent );
        %MUTATOR%(index, w, W.fromASCII( TRUE, significand, exponent ));
    END; (* FOR *)
END; (* IF *)

where [@%MAX_LITERAL_LENGTH%@] is a compiler constant designating the maximum length allowed for literals, [@%ACCESSOR%@] is the accessor function and [@%MUTATOR%@] is the mutator procedure.

NB: For the compiler to save stack space for the intermediate strings significand and exponent a means to obtain the exact required number of digits for a scalar type could be introduced. This is an optimisation issue and it has no impact on the semantics of the synthesis.