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Runtime System


(* Runtime System Interface *)


    Facility = ( StackTrace, PostMortem, SystemReset );

    Exception = ( DivByZero, DerefNIL, TypeOverflow, IndexOutOfBounds,
                  StringCapacityExceeded, StackOverflow, OutOfMemory,
                  UserAbort );

    NotificationHandler = PROCEDURE ( ADDRESS, ADDRESS );
    (* notification handler procedures must accept two parameters:
       - the address of the PC at which the offending event occured
       - the address of the SP at which the offending event occured *)

(* Raising Runtime Exceptions *)

(* MACRO *) PROCEDURE RaiseError( e : Exception );
(* Raises runtime exception of type e. Never returns. *)

(* Runtime System Notification services *)

PROCEDURE InstallNotificationHandler( e : Exception; p : NotificationHandler );
(* Installs handler p as notification handler for exceptions of type e. *)

PROCEDURE InstallInitHasFinishedHandler( p : PROCEDURE );
(* Installs p as the program's post-initialisation handler. The installed
   handler is called immediately after module initialisation has finished. *)

PROCEDURE InstallWillTerminateHandler( p : PROCEDURE );
(* Installs p as the program's pre-termination handler. The installed
   handler is called immdediately before the program's termination handler. *)

PROCEDURE InstallTerminationHandler( p : PROCEDURE );
(* Installs p as the program's termination handler. The installed handler
   is called immediately before the program terminates. *)

(* Runtime System Facilities *)

PROCEDURE IsAvailable( f : Facility ) : BOOLEAN;
(* Returns TRUE if the runtime system provides facility f, FALSE otherwise *)

PROCEDURE InitiateStackTrace;
(* Aborts the currently running program and writes a stack trace dump *)

PROCEDURE SetStackTrace( enabled : BOOLEAN );
(* Enables stack trace dumps on abort if enabled is TRUE, disables otherwise. *)

PROCEDURE StackTraceEnabled : BOOLEAN;
(* Returns the current stack trace mode, TRUE if enabled, FALSE otherwise. *)

PROCEDURE InitiatePostMortem;
(* Aborts the currently running program and writes a post mortem dump *)

PROCEDURE SetPostMortem( enabled : BOOLEAN );
(* Enables post mortem dumps on abort if enabled is TRUE, disables otherwise. *)

PROCEDURE PostMortemEnabled : BOOLEAN;
(* Returns the current post mortem mode, TRUE if enabled, FALSE otherwise. *)

(* Runtime System Facilities for embedded and self-hosting platforms *)

PROCEDURE InitiateSystemReset;
(* Aborts the currently running system image and restarts *)

PROCEDURE SetSystemReset( enabled : BOOLEAN );
(* Enables system reset on abort if enabled is TRUE, disables otherwise. *)

PROCEDURE SystemResetEnabled : BOOLEAN;
(* Returns the current system reset mode, TRUE if enabled, FALSE otherwise. *)