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Non Zero Index Array

DEFINITION MODULE @@module@@ [ArrayType];
%% (*
%% NonZeroIndexArray - Generic Arbitrary Index Array Type Template
%% This template can be expanded using the Modula-2 Template Engine Utility
%% either manually by invoking the m2te utility from a shell:
%%   m2te NonZeroIndexArray module:OCTET
%%        baseType:OCTET indexType:OCTET minIndex:1 maxIndex:10
%% or automatically during compilation using the MAKE pragma in the source:
%%   <* MAKE = "m2te NonZeroIndexArray module:A10
%%              baseType:OCTET indexType:OCTET minIndex:1 maxIndex:10" *>
%% the expanded template can then be imported like any other library module:
%%   IMPORT A10;
%% *)

(* Arbitrary Index Array Type @@module@@ *)

IMPORT @@baseType@@, @@indexType@@;

(* Index range *) 

<* IF @@minIndex@@ < TMIN(@@indexType@@) OR
      @@minIndex@@ > TMAX(@@indexType@@) *>
<* FATAL "minIndex is not within range of indexType." *>
<* ENDIF *>

<* IF @@maxIndex@@ < TMIN(@@indexType@@) OR
      @@maxIndex@@ > TMAX(@@indexType@@) *>
<* FATAL "maxIndex is not within range of indexType." *>
<* ENDIF *>

<* IF @@minIndex@@ => @@maxIndex@@ *>
<* FATAL "minIndex must be less than maxIndex." *>
<* ENDIF *>

CONST minIndex = @@minIndex@@; (* smallest array index *)

CONST maxIndex = @@maxIndex@@; (* largest array index *)

CONST capacity = @@maxIndex@@ - @@maxIndex@@;


(* Base Type *)

    BaseType = ALIAS OF @@baseType@@;

(* Index Type *)

    IndexType = ALIAS OF @@indexType@@;

(* Array Type *)

    @@module@@ = OPAQUE RECORD
        array : ARRAY capacity OF BaseType;
    END; (* @@module@@ *)

(* accessor *)

PROCEDURE [.] valueAtIndex ( array : @@module@@;
                             index : IndexType ) : BaseType;
(* Returns the value stored in <array> at <index>. This function is bound to
   the array [ ] operator for rvalues of type @@module@@. *)

(* mutator *)

PROCEDURE [!] storeValue ( VAR   array : @@module@@;
                                 index : IndexType;
                           CONST value : BaseType );
(* Stores <value> in <array> at <index>. Overwrites any previous value stored
   at the same index. This procedure is bound to the array operator [ ] for
   lvalues of type @@module@@. *)

END @@module@@.