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DEFINITION MODULE Exceptions [CollectionType];

(* Library based Exception Handling *)

(* Dispatch Table *)

TYPE Exceptions = OPAQUE;

(* Exception Type *)

TYPE Exception = ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;

(* Exception Handler Type *)


(* Allocator *)

PROCEDURE [NEW] new ( VAR dispatchTable : Exceptions );
(* Allocates and initialises a new dispatch table and passes it back in
   <dispatchTable>. Returns NIL if the allocation failed. This procedure
   is bound to pervasive procedure NEW for arguments of type Exceptions. *)

(* Accessor *)

PROCEDURE [.] handlerForException ( dispatchTable : Exceptions;
                e : Exception; VAR found : BOOLEAN ) : Handler;
(* Searches for exception <e> in <dispatchTable>. If it is found then TRUE is
   passed back in <found> and the topmost handler of <e> is returned, otherwise
   FALSE is passed back in <found> and NIL is returned. This function is bound
   to the array operator [ ] for rvalues of type Exceptions.*)

(* Mutators *)

PROCEDURE [!] AddHandler ( dispatchTable : Exceptions;
                e : Exception; handler : Handler );
(* Adds a new exception handler on top of the handler stack for exception <e>
   in <dispatchTable>. If NIL is passed in for <handler> then the topmost
   handler for <e> is removed from <dispatchTable>. This procedure is
   bound to the array operator [ ] for lvalues of type Exceptions. *)

(* Membership test *)

PROCEDURE [IN] handlerExists ( dispatchTable : Exceptions;
                                           e : Exception ) : BOOLEAN;
(* Returns TRUE if a handler exists for exception <e> in <dispatchTable>,
   returns FALSE otherwise. This function is bound to the IN operator
   for type Exceptions. *)

(* Raise an exception *)

PROCEDURE Raise ( dispatchTable : Exceptions; e : Exception );
(* Raises exception e by retrieving and calling the topmost handler for <e>
   in <dispatchTable>. When the handler returns, the procedure will initiate
   the runtime system's termination sequence to terminate the program. *)

(* Resume from exception *)

(* Returns control to the procedure that raised the current exception. A call
   to Resume prevents the calling Raise from initiating program termination.*)

(* Exception counter *)

PROCEDURE [COUNT] exceptionCount ( dispatchTable : Exceptions ) : LONGCARD;
(* Returns the number of exceptions defined in <dispatchTable>. This function
   is bound to pervasive function COUNT for type Exceptions. *)

(* Iterator *)

PROCEDURE [FOR] nextException ( dispatchTable : Exceptions;
                    VAR e : Exception; VAR handler : Handler );
(* Finds the successor of <e> and passes its exception/handler pair back in
   <exception> and <handler>. If the empty string is passed in for e then the
   first exception/handler pair is passed back. If no successor is found then
   the empty string is passed back in <e> and NIL in <handler>. This procedure
   is bound to the FOR .. IN iterator for type Exceptions. *)

(* Destructor *)

PROCEDURE [DISPOSE] dispose ( VAR dispatchTable : Exceptions );
(* Deallocates <dispatchTable> and passes NIL back. This procedure is bound
   to pervasive procedure DISPOSE for arguments of type Exceptions. *)

END Exceptions.