Modula-2 Reloaded

A Modern Typesafe & Literate Programming Notation

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(* Pseudo Module to Document Procedure Signatures for Binding Procedures *)

(* ADT means the abstract data type for which bindings are to be defined. *)

(* Bindings to TMIN and TMAX *)

CONST [TMIN] minValue = <value>;
(* Signature for a constant definition that binds a value to pervasive
   function TMIN when called with type ADT as an argument. *)

CONST [TMAX] maxValue = <value>;
(* Signature for a constant definition that binds a value to pervasive
   function TMAX when called with type ADT as an argument. *)

(* Bindings to assignment operations *)

(* Binding to the assign operator depends on the type of literal specified
   by the semantic type that the ADT has been defined to conform to. *)

PROCEDURE [:=] assign ( VAR v : <ADT>; CONST literal : ARRAY OF CHAR );
(* Signature for a procedure that binds to the assign operator for type <ADT>
   when ADT uses whole number, real number or string literals. *)

PROCEDURE [:=] assign ( VAR v : <ADT>; CONST elements : VARIADIC OF <T> );
(* Signature for a procedure that binds to the assign operator for type <ADT>
   when ADT uses structured literals. <elements> represent value components.*)

(* Bindings to conversion operations *)

(* One pair of bindings to the conversion operator per target type. *)

PROCEDURE [::] to ( x : <ADT> ) : <TargetType>;
(* Signature for a procedure that binds to the conversion operator
   for conversions from type <ADT> to type <TargetType>. *)

PROCEDURE [::] from ( x : <TargetType> ) : <ADT>;
(* Signature for a procedure that binds to the conversion operator
   for conversions from type <TargetType> to type <ADT>. *)

(* Bindings to monadic operations *)

PROCEDURE [ABS] abs ( x : <ADT> ) : <ADT>;
(* Signature for a procedure that binds to pervasive function ABS
   for arguments of type <ADT>. *)

PROCEDURE [NEG] neg ( x : <ADT> ) : <ADT>;
(* Signature for a procedure that binds to pervasive function NEG
   for arguments of type <ADT>. *)

PROCEDURE [ODD] odd ( x : <ADT> ) : BOOLEAN;
(* Signature for a procedure that binds to pervasive function NEG
   for arguments of type <ADT>. *)

(* Bindings to dyadic operations *)

PROCEDURE [+] plus ( x1, x2 : <ADT> ) : <ADT>;
(* Signature for a procedure that binds to the + operator
   for operands of type <ADT>. *)

PROCEDURE [-] minus ( x1, x2 : <ADT> ) : <ADT>;
(* Signature for a procedure that binds to the - operator
   for operands of type <ADT>. *)

PROCEDURE [*] asterisk ( x1, x2 : <ADT> ) : <ADT>;
(* Signature for a procedure that binds to the * operator
   for operands of type <ADT>. *)

PROCEDURE [/] slash ( x1, x2 : <ADT> ) : <ADT>;
(* Signature for a procedure that binds to the / operator
   for operands of type <ADT>. *)

PROCEDURE [DIV] div ( x1, x2 : <ADT> ) : <ADT>;
(* Signature for a procedure that binds to the DIV operator
   for operands of type <ADT>. *)

(* The operation for the ++ statement operator is synthesized as follows:
   for ADTs that use whole number literals:  x++  is replaced by  x := x + 1
   for ADTs that use real number literals :  x++  is replaced by  x := x + 1.0
   for ADTs that do not use numeric literals the ++ operation is undefined. *)

(* The operation for the -- statement operator is synthesized as follows:
   for ADTs that use whole number literals:  x--  is replaced by  x := x - 1
   for ADTs that use real number literals :  x--  is replaced by  x := x - 1.0
   for ADTs that do not use numeric literals the -- operation is undefined. *)

(* Bindings to relational operations *)

PROCEDURE [=] isEqual ( x1, x2 : <ADT> ) : BOOLEAN;
(* Signature for a procedure that binds to the = operator
   for operands of type <ADT>. *)

(* The operation for the # operator is synthesized as NOT (x1 = x2) *)

PROCEDURE [<] isLess ( x1, x2 : <ADT> ) : BOOLEAN;
(* Signature for a procedure that binds to the < operator
   for operands of type <ADT>. *)

(* The operation for the <= operator is synthesized as NOT (x1 > x2) *)

PROCEDURE [>] isGreater ( x1, x2 : <ADT> ) : BOOLEAN;
(* Signature for a procedure that binds to the > operator
   for operands of type <ADT>. *)

(* The operation for the >= operator is synthesized as NOT (x1 < x2) *)

(* Bindings to scalar conversion primitives *)

(* Signature for a procedure that binds to the internal scalar conversion
   primitive toSXF to convert values of type ADT to scalar exchange format. *)

(* Signature for a procedure that binds to the internal scalar conversion
   primitive fromSXF to convert scalar exchange format to type <ADT>. *)

(* Binding for accessor to [ ] operator *)

PROCEDURE [.] retrieve ( x : <ADT>; key : <KeyType> ) : <ValueType>;
(* Signature for a procedure that binds to the [ ] operator
   for expressions of the form  x[key]  where x is of type <ADT>. *)

(* Binding for mutator to [ ] operator *)

PROCEDURE [!] store ( x : <ADT>; key : <KeyType>; value : <ValueType> );
(* Signature for a procedure that binds to the [ ] operator
   for assignments the form  x[key] := value  where x is of type <ADT>. *)

(* Bindings to COUNT and LENGTH functions *)

(* Signature for a procedure that binds to pervasive function COUNT
   for arguments of type <ADT>. *)

(* Signature for a procedure that binds to pervasive function LENGTH
   for arguments of type <ADT>. *)

(* Binding to FOR .. IN iterator *)

PROCEDURE [FOR] next ( x : <ADT>;
                       VAR key : <KeyType>; VAR val : <ValueType> );
(* Signature for a procedure that binds to the FOR .. IN .. iterator
   for iterations of the form  FOR key IN x DO  where x is of tyoe <ADT>. *)

(* Bindings to NEW and DISPOSE procedures *)

PROCEDURE [NEW] new ( VAR x : <ADT> );
(* Signature for a procedure that binds to pervasive procedure NEW
   for arguments of type <ADT>. *)

PROCEDURE [DISPOSE] dispose ( VAR x : <ADT> );
(* Signature for a procedure that binds to pervasive procedure DISPOSE
   for arguments of type <ADT>. *)