From Modula-2 Reloaded

WiP: Serialised Scalar Format


The following describes an ASCII based serialisation format for numeric scalar values and conversion primitives to convert between numeric and serialised representation.


The serialised format needs to meet the following objectives:

Data Fields

A serialised scalar contains the following data fields:

[1] If the value of the exponent's digit count field is zero, then no exponent is encoded.

Encoding of Numeric Values

The digits in an encoded digit stream appear in highest to lowest significance order and represent the roots of a polynom of the form:

value = digit0 * radix n + digit1 * radix n-1 + digit2 * radix n-2 + ... + digitn-1 * radix 1 + digitn * radix 0

Base10 Serialisation

Base10 serialisation is a radix 10 based ASCII encoding of numeric values. Digits are represented by the ASCII characters in the code point range from decimal 48 ("0") indicating 0, to decimal 57 ("9") indicating 9.

Base16 Serialisation

Base16 serialisation is a radix 16 based ASCII encoding of numeric values. Digits are represented by the ASCII characters in the code point range from decimal 48 ("0") indicating 0, to decimal 63 ("?") indicating 15.

Base32 Serialisation

Base32 serialisation is a radix 32 based ASCII encoding of numeric values. Digits are represented by the ASCII characters in the code point range from decimal 48 ("0") indicating 0, to decimal 79 ("O") indicating 31.


serialisedScalarFormat :
    version length encoding sigDigitCount expDigitCount
    sigSign sigDigits ( expSign expDigits )? terminator ;

    digitB32 ; protocol version, at present the value is always 1

length :
    digitB32 digitB32 ;    // allocated length, value between 8 and 1023

encoding :
    "D" | "H" ;    // radix system, D for base 10, H for base 16

sigDigitCount :
    digitB32 digitB32 ;    // digit count of significand, value between 1 and 999

expDigitCount :
    digitB32 ;    // digit count of exponent, value between 0 and 15

sigSign :
    "+" | "-" ;    // sign of significand

sigDigits :
    digitB10+ | digitB16+ ;    // digits of significand

expSign :
    "+" | "-" ;    // sign of exponent

expDigits :
    digitB10+ | digitB16+ ;    // digits of exponent

digitB10 :
    "0" .. "9" ;    // representing values between 0 and 9

digitB16 :
    "0" .. "?" ;    // representing values between 0 and 15

digitB32 :
    "0" .. "O" ;    // representing values between 0 and 31

terminator :
    ASCII(0) ;

Conversion Primitives

The following conversion primitives should be implemented by all library defined scalar types to facilitate conversion between all numeric types even if no direct conversion path exists:

PROCEDURE [TO] toSerialized ( value : <ScalarType>; VAR serialized : ARRAY OF CHAR );
(* Converts <value> to its serialised scalar representation and passes the result back
   in <serialized>. The output is shortened if the size of the passed in character array
   is insufficient to represent all available digits. *)

PROCEDURE [FROM] fromSerialized ( VAR value : <ScalarType>; serialized : ARRAY OF CHAR );
(* Converts the passed in serialised scalar to a value of type <ScalarType>
   and passes the result back in <value>. *)
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Page last modified on 2010-04-13 14:58