From Modula-2 Reloaded

Spec: Regex


(* Thompson NFA based Regular Expression Library *)

(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Regular expression syntax
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Characters and character sequences with special meanings:
 * Ignored
 *  whitespace is ignored
 *  control characters are ignored
 * Alternative
 *  |     preceding and following syntactic entities are alternative matches
 * Inversion
 *  ~     any character that does not match the syntactic entity that follows
 * Range
 *  -     specifies a range of digits or letters, eg.: 0-7, 0-9, a-Z, A-Z etc.
 * Grouping
 *  ( )   combines syntactic entities into a grouped syntactic entity
 * Quantifying
 *  ?     the preceding syntactic entity may occur zero or one time
 *  +     the preceding syntactic entity may occur one or more times
 *  *     the preceding syntactic entity may occur zero or more times
 *  {n}   the preceding syntactic entity may occur exactly n times
 *  {n,m} the preceding syntactic entity may occur n to m times
 * Synonyms
 *  {start}       matches the start-of-input state
 *  {end}         matches the end-of-input state
 *  {any}         matches any character
 *  {nul}         matches the null character
 *  {sp}          matches space
 *  {tab}         matches horizontal tab
 *  {ws}          ( {sp} | {tab} )
 *  {nl}          matches new line
 *  {ret}         matches carriage return
 *  {bar}         matches the vertical bar
 *  {tilde}       matches the tilde
 *  {lparen}      matches the left parenthesis
 *  {rparen}      matches the right parenthesis
 *  {lbrace}      matches the left curly brace
 *  {rbrace}      matches the right curly brace
 *  {question}    matches the question mark
 *  {plus}        matches the plus sign
 *  {minus}       matches the minus sign
 *  {asterisk}    matches the asterisk
 *  {q}           matches the single quote
 *  {singlequote} same as {q}
 *  {qq}          matches the double quote
 *  {doublequote} same as {qq}
 *  {sign}        ( {plus} | {minus} )
 *  {bit}         ( 0|1 )
 *  {binary}      same as {bit}
 *  {lowerbool}   ( 0|1 | t|f | y|n )
 *  {upperbool}   ( 0|1 | T|F | Y|N )
 *  {bool}        ( 0|1 | t|f | y|n | T|F | Y|N ) 
 *  {oct}         ( 0-7 )
 *  {dec}         ( 0-9 )
 *  {digit}       same as {dec}
 *  {lowerhex}    ( 0-9 | a-f )
 *  {upperhex}    ( 0-9 | A-F )
 *  {hex}         ( 0-9 | a-f | A-F )
 *  {loweralpha}  ( a-z )
 *  {upperalpha}  ( A-Z )
 *  {alpha}       ( a-z | A-Z )
 *  {alphanum}    ( a-z | A-Z | 0-9 )
 *  {control}     matches any control character
 *  {printable}   matches any printable character
 *  {punctuation} matches any printable character that is not alpha-numeric
 *  {word}        ( {alpha}+ )
 *  {int}         ( {digit}+ )
 *  {real}        ( {digit}+ ((.|,){digit}+ ((e|E)({sign}{digit}+)? )? )
 *  {identifier}  ( ( _ | {alpha} ) ( _ | {alpha} | {digit} )+ )
 *  {aA}          matches any upper/lowercase variant of the following string
 *  {#nn}         matches the character with the sedecimal character code nn
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)


(* Automaton Type *)


(* Status Type *)

    Status = (
        success,            (* the operation completed successfully *)
        invalidExpr,        (* invalid regular expression passed in *)
        invalidString,      (* empty string passed in               *)
        invalidNFA,         (* invalid automaton passed in          *)
        stackFull,          (* stack limit of automaton exceeded    *)
        allocationFailed ); (* memory allocation failed             *)

(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Notification codes
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Notification codes indicate the following:
 *  sizeInfo          notify the number of states of a new automaton
 *  noMatchInfo       notify character and index at which matching failed
 *  illegalChar       notify illegal character and index in expression
 *  unknownSynonym    notify invalid synonym and index in expression
 *  allocationFailed  notify failed allocation when creating an automaton  *)

    Notification = (
        allocationFailed );

(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Notification Handler type
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Automatons pass the following parameters to the handler:
 *  notification code describing the notified event
 *  the character at which the event occurred
 *  the index at which the event occurred
 *  the number of states of the automaton *)

    NotificationHandler =

(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * function: expr, status )
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Creates and returns a new  non-deterministic finite automaton (NFA) object
 * for matching the regular expression described by string <expr>.  The func-
 * tion failes and returns NIL  if the length of <expr> is zero  or if memory
 * could not be allocated.
 * The status of the operation is passed back in <status>. *)

PROCEDURE new ( CONST expr : ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR status : Status ) : NFA;

(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * function:  Regex.installNotificationHandler( automaton, handler )
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Installs procedure <handler> as notification handler for regular expression
 * automaton <automaton>.  If a notification handler is installed,  the  auto-
 * maton calls the handler  whenever  a  notifiable event  occurs.  Notifiable
 * events are either informational or warnings or errors.  By default no noti-
 * fication handler is installed.
 * A notification handler may be uninstalled by passing in NIL for <handler>.

PROCEDURE installNotificationHandler ( automaton : NFA;
                                       handler : NotificationHandler );

(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * function:  Regex.match( automaton, str, status )
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Matches string <str> against regular expression automaton <automaton>.  Re-
 * turns TRUE if <str> matches,  returns FALSE  otherwise.  The function fails
 * and returns FALSE if NIL is passed in for <automaton>.
 * The status of the operation is passed back in <status>. *)

PROCEDURE match ( automaton : NFA; CONST str : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                  VAR status : Status ) : BOOLEAN;

(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * function:  Regex.instantMatch( expr, str, handler, status )
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Creates a regular expression automaton for regular expression <expr> on the
 * fly,  matches string <str> against <expr>,  returns the result and disposes
 * of the automaton.  Returns TRUE if <str> matches,  FALSE otherwise.
 * The status of the operation is passed back in <status>. *)

PROCEDURE instantMatch ( CONST expr, str : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                         handler : NotificationHandler;
                         VAR status : Status ) : BOOLEAN;

(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * function:  Regex.dispose( automaton )
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Disposes of regular expression automaton <automaton>.  Passes back NIL. *)

PROCEDURE dispose ( VAR automaton : NFA );

END Regex.
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Page last modified on 2010-05-24 13:20