From Modula-2 Reloaded

Spec: Dictionary

DEFINITION MODULE Dictionary [CollectionType];

(* Example of a collection library using operator bindings *)

TYPE Dictionary = OPAQUE;

(* key and value type *)

TYPE KeyType = ALIAS OF CARDINAL; (* arbitrary type *)

TYPE ValueType = ARRAY 255 OF CHAR; (* arbitrary type *)

(* allocator *)

PROCEDURE [NEW] new ( VAR dict : Dictionary );
(* Allocates a new collection and passes a reference to it back in dict *)

(* accessor *)

PROCEDURE [.] valueForKey ( dict : Dictionary;
                            key : KeyType; VAR found : BOOLEAN ) : ValueType;
(* Searches for key in dict, passes TRUE in found if the key is present
   and returns its value, otherwise passes FALSE. This function is bound
   to the array operator [ ] for rvalues of type Dictionary. *)

(* mutators *)

PROCEDURE [!] storeValue ( dict : Dictionary;
                           key : KeyType; value : ValueType );
(* Stores value for key in dict, overwrites the previous value if key is
   already present in dict. This procedure is bound to the array operator [ ]
   for lvalues of type Dictionary. *)

PROCEDURE [-] removeValue ( dict : Dictionary; key : KeyType );
(* Removes the entry whose key is key from dict. This procedure is bound
   to the array operator [ ] for lvalues of type Dictionary in assignments
   where the rvalue is the null key for type Dictionary. *)

(* membership test *)

PROCEDURE [IN] keyExists ( dict : Dictionary; key : KeyType ) : BOOLEAN;
(* Returns TRUE if key is present in dict, otherwise returns FALSE. This
   function is bound to the IN operator for type Dictionary. *)

(* counter *)

PROCEDURE [COUNT] entryCount ( dict : Dictionary ) : LONGCARD;
(* Returns the number of entries stored in dict. This function is bound
   to pervasive function COUNT for type Dictionary. *)

(* iterator *)

PROCEDURE [FOR] nextEntry ( dict : Dictionary;
                            VAR key : KeyType; VAR value : ValueType );
(* Finds the successor key of key in dict and passes its key/value pair back
   in key and value. If the null key is passed in then the first key/value
   pair is passed back in key and value. If no successor key is found then
   the null key is passed back in key and value remain unmodified. This
   procedure is bound to the FOR .. IN iterator for type Dictionary. *)

(* destructor *)

PROCEDURE [DISPOSE] dispose ( VAR dict : Dictionary );
(* Deallocates dict and passes NIL back in dict. This procedure
   is bound to pervasive procedure DISPOSE for type Dictionary. *)

END Dictionary.
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Page last modified on 2010-05-24 13:33