From Modula-2 Reloaded

Spec: Default Dir


(* Filesystem Operations relative to a Working Directory *)

FROM Filesystem IMPORT Status, Attributes;

(* Get and set current directory *)

PROCEDURE GetCurrentDir ( VAR path : ARRAY OF CHAR );
(* Passes the current directory's path in <path>. *)

PROCEDURE SetCurrentDir ( path : ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR status : Status );
(* Sets the current directory to <path>. *)

(* Operations on filesystem entries *)

PROCEDURE EntryExists ( filename : ARRAY OF CHAR ) : BOOLEAN;
(* Returns TRUE if filesystem entry <filename> exists in current directory. *)

PROCEDURE AttrOf ( filename   : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                   VAR status : Status ) : Attributes;
(* Returns the file attributes of filesystem entry <filename>
   in current directory. *)

PROCEDURE SetAttr ( filename   : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                    attributes : Attributes;
                    VAR status : Status );
(* Sets the file attributes of file system entry <filename>
   in current directory to <attributes>.*)

PROCEDURE Create ( filename   : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                   attributes : Attributes;
                   VAR status : Status );
(* Creates a new filesystem entry <filename> with <attributes>
   in current directory. *)

PROCEDURE Rename ( filename, newName : ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR status : Status );
(* Renames filesystem entry <filename> in current directory to <newName>. *)

PROCEDURE Remove ( filename : ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR status : Status );
(* Removes filesystem entry <filename> in current directory. *)

END DefaultDir.
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Page last modified on 2010-05-24 12:35